About AR u ready?

Cover of AR u ready? publication, by Zhongrui Feng, June 2020. See the Book

The world in which we are publishing this collection of augmented reality (AR) works is very different to the world in which we began this studio. We began by asking students to imagine new worlds which they could explore through Augmented Reality technologies.

Shortly after the studio began it was disrupted by quarantine measures introduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students and teachers continued working together across virtual spaces for the remainder of the course.

Together we worked with the Melbourne-based AR company, Appearition, to develop original Augmented Reality experiences for a custom-built mobile app.

In this publication, we present the outcomes of the students’ research, allowing the reader a way to explore the speculative worlds these students have imagined. These new worlds range from the comforting and hopeful, to the dystopic.

Regardless of what the future may hold, the question remains: Are you ready?

–Karen ann Donnachie & Andy Simionato,
Studio leads, AR u ready?
School of Design, RMIT University

Immersive Technologies (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality & Mixed Reality) along with the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) arechanging the way we work by establishing a digital connection with the real world. In most real-world scenarios, Information is derived from data that has been collected, analysed and processed from operational and transactional sources including Internet of Things (IoT).
Such a fluid and changing data landscape cannot be supported by static immersive experiences.The challenge is to provide a user experience which is contextually relevant at a particular moment in time. The Appearition Experience Management System enables organisations to author and manage immersive experiences which work with existing business systems, workflowsand IT operations.
Appearition helps its customers define use cases,build prototypes, and allows for enterprise to scale with innovative visualisation solutions which can be integrated into their existing IT systems.

Our team were excited to work with RMIT and students from the Design Studio as they pushed the boundaries of creative Augmented Reality on their journey to deliver new immersive experiences.

–Mark Hillebrand,
Chief Customer Office,