AR u ready?

Timon Meury, , 2020

From the early days of industrialisation through to the rise of the digital age, a defining characteristic of our society has been the continuous production and innovation of new goods– An everlasting cycle of the new replacing the old, the obsolete discarded into obscurity, and forgotten. This process is not foreign to the digital world, especially with the rise of the internet, smartphones and social media - the network forgets even more rapidly, creating an overwhelming quantity of digital garbage, buried in the depths of platforms, social networks, stored away in clouds and data centres across the planet. Within this continuous cycle of digital production, rapidly pumping out content en masse, to stall is to be dead. The platform’s subsistence depends upon the continuous output of content, being inactive is not being - images, videos, tweets, gifs, jpeg, shared, travelling the web, ripped apart by digital processes, images lose their resolution until they are nothing more than what Hito Steyerl calls a 5th generation bastard of an image. Irrelevant, forgotten, digital garbage. This project is a way of restoring some of the dignity of these unwanted, discarded objects. Using software designed for architectural mapping and mining, I transform these forgotten artefacts through sculpture. Dug up from the underbelly of our digital culture, I borrow these unwanted sequences of images, giving them a new, perhaps more dignified, form of existence within this AR experience.

Garbage remastered.