AR u ready?

Sylvain Girard, A Submersive Experience, 2020

A Submersive Experience is a visual representation of a potential future that many cities around the world face with the changing climate. Venice, Italy, is projected to be underwater and uninhabitable in less than eighty years, so Venice is the subject of this particular augmented reality experience. Through this experience you can see the effect that rising sea-levels will have on the city of Venice. Many other cities with a similarly low sea-level face the same fate. Using augmented reality as a visual aid to raise awareness of this issue is more effective than reading statistics or looking at graphs, as you are able to see the effect and literally immerse yourself in it. The target image is a simplifiedplan view of the city of Venice, which transforms when viewed through your device, showing the effect of rising sea levels due to climate change over the next eighty years, condensed into 30 seconds.