AR u ready?

Ellen Waite, Swings and Roundabouts,

Swings and Roundabouts is an exploration of perspective and of how our experiences of home and community have altered during this period of isolation. We’ve found ourselves disconnected from our old interactions, feeling simultaneously lost and constricted as the things that exist within the bounds of our homes becomes our entire world. Connected, but apart, this experience exists in two halves. The first, a collectionof notes and letters sent and received in isolation—the second, a fragmented floorplan. Disjointed, the two halves emanate discomfort.This experience encourages the exploration of what lies above the disconnected and home space—revealing a playful new perspective, and adding a senseof connectivity and community. Whilst Swings and Roundabouts initially establishes a lost and lonely sensation, it aims to shift that perspective in a surreal, whimsical way.